11080 Chester Rd.Cincinnati, OH 45246
(513) 552-8297
High School
I-275 to I-75 South. Take the Sharon Road exit; turn right on Chester Road. The high school is on the right. All events are played at the High School. Football Stadium & Track Stadium are located next to High School.
I-275 to I-75 South - take Sharon road exit - turn right onto Sharon Road to Chester Road - turn right onto Chester Road - Tennis is on the left side of Chester Road -
Softball (JV)
Played at Evendale Recreation Center Field 5 located at 10500 Reading Road. I-75 to exit 14 Glendale-Milford Road exit. Go east on Glendale-Milford Road; turn left at Reading Road - the Evendale Rec. Center is on the right.
Varsity Softball
Princeton High School - 11080 Chester Road, Cincinnati, OH. 45246. Played at the high school on the field located behind the tennis courts.
Varsity Baseball
Princeton High School - 11080 Chester Road, Cincinnati, OH. 45246. Played on Field #1 of the Athletic Complex. Field #2 will be used primarily for Freshman and/or middle school games. Parking is available across the street in Lot D.